Sweet moment.

Just walk away.

Prism Power

Bring both pretty and comfy

Sidewalks makes for pretty backgrounds.
B+B: Alright, it's been a busy hot minute, so let's ask the obvious question, what are you doing for your birthday, besides this session?
Tina: Going to New Orleans with Nancy.
B+B Commentary: Again we can not stress how much we love when one travels with their partners! Traveling with them and leaving your footprints together in new land, is fantastic!

Leveling up, means part of you fades away.

Be a ballon, ready to float away.

Let your power speak for yourself.

When you let the world make you stronger, you become art.

Smile like today is the day your dreams come true.
B+B: So what do you hope to gain from this year?
Tina: I’m looking to gain courage.
B+B Commentary: Majority of humans think being courageous is bungee jumping off a cliff or some other momentous, earth-shattering action. Where in reality it is the day to day, looking up from your feet when you walk, smiling at a stranger you think is cute and breaking the habitual behavior that you have nurtured to feel comfortable. "The difference between a hero and an idiot, is one dumb decision" (Margo, the magicians). Sometimes to be your own hero, it means saving yourself from yourself and sometimes it means being courageous to love yourself- be kind to yourself, and accepting that you need healing. Part of healing is changing your mindset about yourself, and learning to encourage yourself, and to us that takes courage. So yes, gain the courage to be gentle to yourself, be a better person, friend, parter, and you- just not for the sake of saying it or being, do it because you need it.

B+B: So you want to gain courage, but about those goals you want to check off this coming year?
Tina: My goal is to focus on my makeup future but also get very far in school.
B+B Commentary: It is very important to never limit your abilities, so learn as much as you can, but do not look at others success, and place a deadline on your own. So we love this answer "focus, but also" because it is important to focus, but also know your limits.

B+B: What is something you would tell, someone that is about to turn 23?
Tina: You’re young, just because people are getting married, having kids etc. don’t rush anything because you might think you’re getting old but at 23, you’re really just starting your life.
B+B Commentary: YAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS. Think about it, just 5 years ago people graduated high school. HIGH SCHOOL, where you thought life was hard. Life was just waiting until you went off to college, started a business, dated in real life, not just in school life. Etc. You are 23 going on 24, or 24 going on 25, not 23 going on 60. You do not have to have your life together. Focus on living it.
B+B:What do you want to tell your future self?
Tina: To focus on you and don’t let anyone bring you down. “You’re doing great sweetie”
B+B Commentary: All in agreement, say AYE. AYE.

B+B: Best advice about being an adult, that came from a fellow adult?
Tina: It’s okay to hate adulting sometimes but being an adult can be the best decision.
B+B Commentary: Honestly, we felt that. Between a busy life, creative blues and not enough money or time, it is crazy so much, that we miss being kids who got to sleep in and watch cartoons. Yet also, being able to drink, being able to provide ourselves a life outside of a box.... it is the best decision.
B+B: Adulting advice, that you would give to all your adult friends, about being adults?
Tina: To just take everyday step by step and take every possible chances or learning new things in life as a lesson.
B+B Commentary: So pretty much learn to walk, and learn it as a lesson before you try to sprint. Life is a marathon not a sprint. Being content at where you are in your journey so you can enjoy your present life, not your future life, is massively important in living a life you are proud of. Trust us we get it, you want to be successful, and you want to be in love, and you want to live it up on the 'gram, BUT if you do not learn to love the hiccups, you will never reach your goals. Your journey will give your time in the spotlight sure enough, you just need to be okay with working your way up to it.

Happy Birthday, Tina! May be the courage you are looking to gain, may you take your own advice and tell yourself you are doing just fine, and may this year you ace school master a skill in make up you have always wanted!